What determines whether you’ll age in place or live in an assisted living facility? Retirement Living did a study to find out.
When considering where to retire, you might want to know where you can get the most for your money. Check out these top 10 tax-friendly states before making a decision.
The search for the right role in an ever-changing workforce has left some seniors feeling left out. Ageism, it seems, is all too common.
The Holidays can be a stressful (and expensive) time of year. Plan ahead and follow our cost-saving tips to make your Holiday more enjoyable.
Social media is a warm gathering place, allowing people of all generations to connect, communicate, and share mutual interests.
It’s November, which is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. Let’s spread awareness about this important senior health topic.
If you’re ready to put the keys aside, there may be a technological solution for you. It’s called Uber, and it’s really easy to use.
Medicare Open Enrollment season has returned. Find out why many seniors are turning to Medicare Advantage.
With healthcare costs from falling injuries on the rise, we took a look at fall prevention, and we were surprised at what we discovered.
A dog can be an exciting new friend, with companionship tied to health benefits. Before you adopt, read the 5 factors to consider.
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