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About Taos Retirement Village
Taos Retirement Village is a senior living facility just North of Taos, New Mexico.
Services and Amenities for Taos Retirement Village Residents
The company offers assisted living and independent living to residents. Floor plans include 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom small houses, 1-2 two bedroom apartments, private assisted living residences and in-home care.
Each unit is equipped with a medical alert device that is monitored 24/7 by staff.
Unlike many other facilities, Taos Retirement Village has a decor and location that reflects the best of New Mexico style. Many residents of our community occupy their time with art, reading, crafts and other active hobbies like hiking the area.
Taos Retirement Village |
Age Restricted (55+) | |
Assisted Living | |
Independent Living | |
Dining Facility | |
24/7 Dining | |
Access to Skiing | |
Medical Assistance | |
Emergency Monitoring System | |
Where is Taos Retirement Village?
414 Camino De La Placita
Taos, NM, 87571
About the Location
Taos is a beautiful and diverse area. Within a short distance from Taos Retirement Village you will find shopping, cultural history and other outdoor activities. The climate is warm during the summer and cool during the winter. The mountains are visible nearby, and Holy Cross Hospital is 3.7 miles away.
What else should I know about Taos Retirement Village?
Read these answers to common questions from senior housing shoppers, residents, and family members.
Is there a dining faciilty?
Yes. Taos Retiirement Village has chef prepared meals for residents at the Village Bistro.
Is skiing nearby?
Residents enjoy skiing during the winter at the Sangre de Cristo Mountains - 18 miles.
Taos Retirement Village Reviews
Recent Reviews
We were worried about moving my mother to Taos from Oklahoma, but we had to make a change. Mom is a very independent person, but she had a scary fall and realized all the stairs were going to always make her feel one step away from breaking her hip. Selfishly I knew this might be a way for us to get her to move closer to her grandkids, and luck for us she reluctantly, and skeptical made the move.
We already had her new place completely set up for her when she saw her apartment for the first time. Of course we placed everything wrong, and she was clearly not pleased with her new arrangement. The backyard had too many plants to water (there's a soaker hose), the bathroom was too far away from the bedroom, and had a bathtub that she would find too challenging to get into (there's a second bathroom with a walk in shower in the master bedroom), and "I won't eat tasteless food." (The chef will individualize meals to suit various palates and dietary requirements).
My wife and I went home the first night trying to figure out a way to build on to our house to make a space for her, because this wasn't going to work out. The next day we came to join her for lunch to try to help her meet some people. As we pulled up we saw her walking down the sidewalk with her walker, and 2 new friends with their walkers. They took her under their wing, and now it seems like she's more and more content with her new home, town, food and friends.
The staff have gone above and beyond to make sure she feels like the only resident they work for with quick attention to problems which gives her the sense of security to do things and go places she shied away from in recent years. I'm getting my old mom back just in time for my children to realize what a treasure she is, and take pride in their family history. Thank you TRV for creating a space that is making my moms twilight years burn bright.
Xzavier L.
I was working fulltime at HCH and had huge peace of mind that my mom was safe and loved at TRV. Her only complaint ever was that the place "was full of old people!". She was nurtured and offered interactions with staff and peers. I was never in the dark about changes in her condition and staff was receptive to my ideas and mom's needs. She was transported to appointments safely and taken to shop for personal items when I did not have time to do so.
Sherry L.
When I began to look for a retirement community, all I found were like warehouses for old people until I found Taos Retirement Village. Near the heart of the charming historic district of Taos, NM, it had everything I wanted in services and was built in adobe in a one-story campus that fit in. To get a fix on it, I knocked on some residents’ doors and asked what they would change, and they all answered, “Nothing.” After 16 years, I feel the same. I love my adobe casita, the cultural richness of Taos, and my interesting and creative fellow residents.
Jean S.
We moved my mother-in-law to Taos Retirement Village from Oakland, CA a little over a year ago, and she loves living there! The staff is very caring, the food is good, and the activities keep her active and engaged! The ownership continues to work on improving the grounds and structures. She is safe and well cared for. We are very satisfied with her stay at Taos Retirement Village!
Joe M.
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