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In the U.S., a significant number of adults over 65 are not married. Despite this, there’s a prevalent misconception suggesting older adults are not interested in dating or should not pursue romantic or sexual relationships. Studies show that 40% of seniors report being sexually active, and 76% believe sex is an important part of a romantic relationship.
Although the probability of dating does diminish as people age, many older adults still have a keen interest in establishing new romantic connections.
Key Insights
36% of all seniors in the U.S. are single, including those who are never married, divorced, or widowed.
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Among single seniors, only 22% report a desire to date casually or be in a committed relationship.
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About 23% of adults in the U.S. have used dating sites or apps, and 14% of them are aged 60-69, but only 3% of them still use it.
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40% of seniors reported being sexually active.
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In 2023, approximately 1 in 3 adults ages 50 to 80 experienced feelings of isolation over the past year.
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General Senior Dating Statistics
The 2020 Pew Research Center report on American attitudes and experiences with dating and relationships reveals that 36% of U.S. seniors are single. This means they are not married, living with a partner, or in a committed romantic relationship.
In particular, female seniors are more than twice as likely to be single in comparison to male seniors. This disparity in singleness between genders is influenced by two factors: Men generally have a shorter life expectancy and also tend to marry later in life compared to women.
In addition, the majority of singles ages 65 and older, most of who are widowed or divorced, report feeling no pressure to be in a committed relationship. This contrasts with adults in other age groups who often experience higher levels of pressure from family, friends, and societal expectations to be in a relationship.
Furthermore, almost half of Americans believe that dating has become more difficult over the past decade. This sentiment is prevalent in all age groups, except those ages 65 and above. In these older demographics, 43% of adults aged 65+ believe dating is harder now, compared to 40% who think it’s unchanged.
Dating Sites and Apps for Seniors
Many older adults are interested in dating casually or looking for a committed relationship, but factors such as retirement, relocation, the passing of loved ones, and disabilities can reduce their social networks and access to potential partners.
As a result, a growing number of seniors are turning to online dating to fulfill their needs for partnership and intimacy. According to the 2023 Pew Research Center survey on online dating in the U.S., 1 in 6 older adults aged 50+ have used a dating site or app at some point.
Tinder, Eharmony, and Bumble are some of the popular dating websites in the U.S. According to PRC, older adults aged 50+ are 5x more likely to find their match on Tinder than younger adults.
Why Seniors Use Dating Apps
A survey by the Pew Research Center shows reasons why older people aged 50+ use dating apps. Nearly half of Americans use dating apps to find a long-term partner, while 50% are casually looking for friends.
Even though seniors report experiencing lower levels of harassment on online dating sites and apps in comparison to adult users overall, there are differences by gender. Women 50 years and older have experienced higher levels of harassment in all categories when compared to their male counterparts in the same age range.
In addition, more than half of Americans who have used dating sites or apps report encountering individuals they suspected of attempting to scam them. In contrast, this concern is slightly less prevalent among seniors, with 39% expressing similar suspicions.
Interestingly, while younger individuals are generally more prone to falling for online scams, seniors are particularly vulnerable to romance scams. Experts attribute this to the fact that older people typically have more financial resources. 47% of seniors using dating apps report encountering scams. Those aged 50–64 (52%) are more likely to experience scam attempts.
In 2021, the Federal Trade Commission reported that the median loss from romance scams for individuals ages 70 and older was $9,000, significantly higher than the $2,400 median loss experienced across all age groups.
Senior Dating Without Sites and Apps
According to Pew Research Center data, most seniors in relationships reported meeting their spouse or partner either through friends and family (30%) or at work (20%). Interestingly, these percentages align with the overall trends seen among partnered adults throughout the U.S. "Partnered adults" refers to individuals who are either married, living with a partner, or engaged in a committed relationship.
Seniors and Sexual Activity
The common belief that all seniors are not sexually active or interested in sex is a misconception. Although the frequency of sexual activity often diminishes with age and adjustments may be needed due to physiological changes, many older adults remain sexually active.
The National Poll on Healthy Aging conducted by the University of Michigan surveyed adults ages 65 to 80 across the U.S. The poll presents the following statistics on sexual activity among the senior population:
- About 40% of seniors reported being sexually active, with a notable gender disparity: 51% of older men compared to 31% of older women indicated they are sexually active.
- The majority of seniors, 76%, believed sex to be an important aspect of a romantic relationship regardless of age, with a higher agreement among men (84%) compared to women (69%).
- Almost three-quarters (73%) of seniors expressed satisfaction with their sex life, with 37% being extremely or very satisfied and 36% somewhat satisfied. Interestingly, women were more likely than men to report being extremely or very satisfied (43% vs. 31%, respectively).
- In the past two years, 18% of men and 3% of women reported having used medications or supplements to enhance sexual function.
LGB Senior Dating Statistics
According to a 2022 study, nearly half (48%) of American LGB older adults report being single, while only twelve percent are dating and living with their partner.
- 30% of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults aged 65+ have used a dating app at some point.
- 39% of LGB adults aged 50–64 have used dating apps, reflecting higher engagement within this age group compared to their older counterparts.
- Among partnered LGB adults, 24% met their significant other through online dating platforms, with 37% of men compared to 18% of women reporting this.
- 50% of LGB online dating users report encountering someone they suspect was trying to scam them. This experience is more common among men (60%) than women (41%).
- Tinder is the most common dating app among LGB women, while Grindr is a popular choice among queer men.
Loneliness in Seniors
The University of Michigan conducted a national survey in 2023 of U.S. adults between the ages of 50 and 80, focusing on loneliness and social interactions. The “Trends in Loneliness Among Older Adults from 2018-2023” report, published in 2023, provides the following insights:
- In 2023, more than one-third (34%) of adults ages 50 to 80 reported experiencing feelings of isolation from others in the past year.
- Approximately 37% of older adults reported feeling lonely or lacking companionship in the past year, with 29% experiencing it sometimes and 8% experiencing it frequently.
- A third of older adults (33%) indicated they had less contact (once or less than once a week) with people outside their homes.
The frequency of contact was reported as follows:
- 14% once a week
- 10% every 2-3 weeks
- 9% once or less than once a month
- Findings from the 2018 to 2023 polls consistently show a strong association between feelings of isolation, lack of companionship, and less social contact with decline in physical and mental health among seniors.
How does the rate of singleness among seniors in the U.S. differ based on gender?
There is a significant difference in singleness based on gender. Female seniors are more than twice as likely to be single (49%) in comparison to male seniors (21%).
Why do older adults often choose not to engage in dating?
Among single adults ages 50 and older, the top three reasons cited for not dating are: liking being single (46%), having other priorities deemed more important (38%), and feeling that they are too old (25%).
What percentage of seniors in the U.S. are sexually active?
About 40% of seniors reported that they are currently sexually active, with a notable gender difference: 51% of men indicated sexual activity, and 31% of women said the same.
Where are seniors most likely to meet their spouse or partner?
The majority of seniors in relationships stated they first encountered their spouse or partner through friends or family (30%) or at their workplace (20%). Interestingly, these figures are consistent with the trends observed among all partnered adults in the U.S.
Bottom Line
Senior dating is growing in the U.S. as baby boomers age. Currently, 36% of adults aged 65+ identify as single, and 1 in 6 adults aged 50+ have tried dating apps. Among LGB seniors, 39% of adults 50–64 and 30% aged 65+ have used dating apps. However, 47% of senior online daters report scams, and harassment is more common among women aged 50+.
Despite these challenges, senior dating statistics highlight its role in reducing loneliness, which affects 34% of adults aged 50–80. For LGB seniors, 24% of partnered individuals met online, showcasing how dating platforms connect older adults across demographics.
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- Trends in Loneliness Among Older Adults from 2018-2023. The University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging. Evaluated December 4, 2024.
Link Here - Emily A. and Monica A. Dating and Relationships in the Digital Age. Pew Research Center. Published May 8, 2020. Evaluated December 4, 2024.
Link Here - Olivia S. and Michelle F. Dating at 50 and up: Older Americans’ experiences with online dating. Pew Research Center. Published July 17, 2023. Evaluated December 4, 2024.
Link Here - Share of LGBTQ adults aged 45 years and older who were married, single, or in a relationship in the United States in 2022, by sexual orientation. Statista. Evaluated December 4, 2024.
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