In Home Care Near Me

In home care is a popular choice for seniors who have chosen to age in place over residential care. Typical services provided by in home care providers include help with activities of daily living like meal preparation, getting dressed, or remembering to take medication. In home care service providers are generally licensed by the state and are great for helping with home ownership, personal care and other services often found in a nursing care facility or assisted living facility. In-home care patients often receive support during the day, but generally, do not require 24-hour intervention. Additional services that are commonly performed by home health care services include housekeeping, transportation within town, help with exercise or physical therapy, laundry services, as well as social activities like card games.

In-home care is often used as a care supplement for older adults living with their adult children, who have their own daytime responsibilities. In this way, it can alleviate the pressure to provide daytime caregiving.

The cost of in home care depends on the services performed and the location of the patient. Paying for home health care is generally done with personal or family assets, but can be billable to long care insurance, the VA or with other forms of insurance. Medicare typically doesn’t cover all in-home care, although Medicare Part A and/or Part B may cover some skilled nursing care services if it is part of a treatment plan coordinated with your doctor.

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Additional information may be obtained from the Home Care Association of America Their Web site may be found at:

In Home Care by State

Additional In Home Care Resources

Those looking for home health care on our site also found these resources helpful.

  • Elder financial abuse involves the misuse of money by a friend, family member, or stranger. Read about how you can prevent elder financial abuse and see tips for those that suspect elder financial abuse.
  • Elder abuse often affects seniors who rely on others for help with the day-to-day activities of life – dressing, bathing, eating, and taking medications. This article helps you learn the warning signs of elder abuse.
  • If you or a loved one is being abused or suspect abuse, you might not know where to start when it comes to reporting it. Read about how to report elder abuse and how to speak with someone when you suspect elder abuse.

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