Taxes in Maryland


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Maryland - State

State and local income taxes are pretty hefty for Maryland residents, partly because the counties and Baltimore City each levy their own income taxes. Below, we explain various Maryland state taxes affecting retirement income, such as sales tax, inheritance tax, and property taxes.

For information regarding taxes in other states, see Retirement Taxes by State.

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Maryland Tax Rates

State Sales Tax6%
Avg State/Local Sales Tax6%
Gas Tax$0.47 per gallon
Diesel Tax$0.47 per gallon
Cigarette Tax$3.75 per pack
Income Tax5.75%
Effective Tax Rate:4.42%
Property Tax0.95%
Social Security TaxNone
Medical/Dental Deduction:Partial
Federal Income Tax Deduction:None
Retirement TaxPartial
State Taxes in Maryland

Maryland State Taxes Explained

Maryland Sales Tax

6%, with no local taxes.

Maryland Income Taxes

The max income tax rate is 5.75%. Twenty-three Maryland counties and Baltimore City also levy a local income tax between 2.25% and 3.20%, based on income.

Maryland Property Taxes

The average effective property tax rate in Maryland is 0.95%. This amounts to $2,991 on the average home value of $314,800.

Maryland’s Homeowners’ Property Tax Credit Program reduces property tax amounts exceeding a combined household income percentage. Currently, there’s no credit on the first $8,000, 4% of the next $4,000 and 6.5% of the next $4,000 of income. Income over $16,000 is figured at 9%.

The Homestead Credit assists homeowners who have a large increase in their property assessment. This program limit increases in annual taxable assessments to a fixed percentage. Each municipality has a homestead cap and may limit taxable assessments increases to a maximum of 10% per year.

Renters who are at least 60 years old or totally disabled are eligible for the Renters’ Tax Credit Program. The tax relief is based on income and the amount of rent less utilities.

The Maryland Property Tax Deferral Program allows property owners aged 65 or over to defer property tax bill increases. Local governments determine income restrictions and the amount of interest on the outstanding taxes. Deferred taxes become a lien on the property. The loan is paid off when the property is transferred due to circumstances such as selling the home or the taxpayer’s death.

See Maryland’s property tax guide for homeowners for details.

Maryland Retirement Taxes

Maryland does not tax Social Security income. Taxpayers who are 65 or older, totally disabled, or have a completely disabled spouse can exclude up to $39,500 of federally taxed income from a pension or 401(k). IRA distributions and out-of-state pensions are excluded from this rule.

Retired correctional or law enforcement officers and fire, rescue and emergency services personnel may take advantage of a separate exclusion. The age bracket for using this exemption is 55 to 64, and the amount is up to $15,000.

Up to $15,000 of military retirement income is tax-exempt for retirees aged 55 and older. The exemption is reduced to $5,000 for those who don’t meet the age threshold.

Maryland residents can take a one-time $500 credit for the cost of long-term care insurance. The insured can be a spouse, parent, stepparent, child or stepchild. Maryland residency, coverage beginning after July 1, 2000, and other qualifications are required.

Maryland also offers taxpayers a credit for the cost of home improvements for aging in place or living with disabilities. The Maryland Independent Living Tax credit amounts to 50% of qualified expenses paid during a taxable year. The maximum credit is equal to $5,000 or the amount of taxes owed. The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development must certify the expenses.

Maryland Estate and Inheritance Taxes

Maryland has both an estate tax and an inheritance tax. Estate tax ranges from 0.8% to 16%, although the first $5 million is exempt. Maryland’s estate tax rules for those who died after July 1, 2020, exempt property passed to a spouse, child, parent, grandparent, stepchild or stepparent, siblings or other lineal descendants. This rule also applies to property passed on to a corporation listing these relatives as stockholders. Any other individuals pay 10%.

Maryland has both an estate tax and an inheritance tax. Estate tax ranges from 0.8% to 16%, although the first $5 million is exempt. Transfers to spouses are exempt from this tax. The inheritance tax exempts property passed to spouses, children, parents, grandparents, stepchildren, stepparents, siblings, and other lineal descendants. Transfers to other individuals are subject to a 10% tax.

See Maryland Estate and Inheritance Tax for more information. For more information on Maryland taxes, visit the Maryland Comptroller of the Treasury.

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