College-Linked Retirement Communities

Best Places to Retire

Colleges and universities have become increasingly involved in the development of retirement communities on or near their campuses. The extent of each college’s involvement varies. Some communities merely lease land from the university and have no special connection to campus programs. Others are creating communities for their alumni with golf courses, clubhouses, and condos, houses, and assisted living facilities. Many people today are looking for more meaning and value in retirement. College-linked retirement communities offer a return to a stimulating environment they enjoyed decades earlier. Residents audit classes and may even teach. They may also attend various cultural and sporting events on campus.

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The motivation for seniors returning to campus is qualitatively different from those who choose traditional retirement communities. They hunger for something more than warm weather and a condo on the fifth green. It is fundamentally about personal growth, stimulation, the development of a more meaningful life, and a supportive intellectual and cultural climate to make it happen. They want to continue to learn and enrich themselves. The communities listed below are located on or near a campus and have connections to the educational institution that may involve access to educational programs, health care services, and other activities on campus. You will find Web links to each city, college or university, and the associated retirement community.

State/CityCollege or UniversityRetirement Community
BirminghamSamford UniversitySomerby at University Park
TuscaloosaUniversity of AlabamaCapstone Village
TucsonUniversity of ArizonaAcademy Village
ConwayUniversity of Central ArkansasCollege Square
FayettevilleUniversity of ArkansasButterfield Trail Village
DavisUniversity of California at DavisUniversity Retirement Community
Los Angeles University of California, Los AngelesBelmont Village Westwood
Palo AltoStanford UniversityVi at Palo Alto
Thousand OaksCalifornia Lutheran UniversityUniversity Village Thousand Oaks
West HartfordSt. Joseph CollegeThe McAuley
DeLandStetson UniversityVictoria Gardens
GainesvilleUniversity of FloridaOak Hammock
OcalaCentral Florida Community CollegeSpruce Creek Country Club
PensacolaUniversity of West FloridaAzalea Trace
St. PetersburgEckerd CollegeCollege Harbor
TallahasseeFlorida State UniversityWestcott Lakes at South Wood
AlpharettaGeorgia TechGeorgia Tech Club
AthensUniversity of GeorgiaGeorgia Club
ChicagoLoyola University ChicagoThe Clare at Water Tower
LisleBenedictine UniversityVilla St. Benedict
UrbanaUniversity of IllinoisOrchard Downs
AndersonAnderson UniversityUniversity Village Condominium
BloomingtonIndiana UniversityMeadowood Retirement Community
EvansvilleUniversity of Southern IndianaSolarbron Pointe
South BendUniversity of Notre DameHoly Cross Village
West LafayettePurdue UniversityUniversity Place
AmesIowa State UniversityGreen Hills Retirement Community
WaverlyWartburg CollegeEisenach Village
  Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community
LexingtonUniversity of KentuckyLimestone Crossing
MidwayMidway College 
Baton Rouge Louisiana State UniversityUniversity Pointe
AugustaUniversity of Maine at Augusta Senior CollegeGranite Hill Estates
BathUniversity CollegeThe Highlands
OronoUniversity of MaineDirigo Pines
LaurelUniversity of MarylandCentral Parke at Victoria Falls *Courses will be held at the community
AmherstUniversity of Massach­usettsApplewood at Amherst
 Amherst College 
 Five College ConsortiumVeridian Village at Hampshire College
DartmouthUniversity of Massach­usettsIn Planning Stage
East­hamptonFive College ConsortiumThe Inn at East­hampton
NewtonLasell CollegeLasell Village
NorthamptonFive College ConsortiumLathrop Communit Town Homes
SpringfieldSpringfield CollegeReeds Landing
WilliamstownWilliams CollegeSweetwood
Ann ArborUniversity of MichiganUniversity Commons
HillsdaleHillsdale CollegeIndependence Grove
NorthfieldCarlton CollegeVillage on the Cannon
 St. Olaf College 
St. JosephCollege of St. BenedictUnder development
St. PeterGustavus Adolphus CollegeProject under study
WinonaSt. Mary’s University of MinnesotaUniversity Village of Winona
New Hampshire  
DurhamUniversity of New HampshireThe Inn at Sprucewood
HanoverDartmouth CollegeKendal at Hanover
New York  
HenriettaRochester Institute of TechnologyRivers Run
IthacaCornell UniversityThe Kendal at Ithaca
 Ithaca CollegeLongview Retirement Community
PurchasePurchase CollegeUnder development
North Carolina  
BooneAppalachian State UniversityAppalachian/​Brian Estates 828-264-1006
Chapel Hill University of North Carolina at Chapel HillThe Cedars of Chapel Hill
  Carol Woods Retirement Community
  Carolina Meadows
DavidsonDavidson CollegeThe Pines at Davidson
  Bailey’s Glen
DurhamDuke UniversityCarol Woods Retirement Community
  Croasdaile Village
  The Forest at Duke
ElonElon UniversityHenton at Elon & Hamlet
FearringtonDuke UniversityGalloway Ridge at Fearrington
North Dakota  
DickinsonDickinson State University
DelawareOhio Wesleyan UniversityAustin Manor
GranvilleDenison UniversityKendal at Granville
OberlinOberlin CollegeKendal at Oberlin
OxfordMiami University of OhioThe Knolls of Oxford
AshlandSouthern Oregon University
EugeneUniversity of OregonCascade Manor
PortlandMarylhurst UniversityMary’s Woods at Marylhurst
HaverfordHaverford CollegeThe Quadrangle
 Swathmore College 
HuntingdonJuniata CollegeWestminster Woods
Kennett SquareWest Chester UniversityKendal-Crosslands Community
 University of Delaware 
LorettoSt. Francis UniversityIn planning stage
State CollegePennsyl­vania State UniversityThe Village at Penn State
  Liberty Hill
West Chester West Chester University of Pennsyl­vaniaBarclay Friends
South Carolina  
GreenvilleFurman UniversityThe Woodlands at Furman
Rock HillWinthrop UniversityIn planning stage
AustinThe University of TexasLonghorn Village
College StationTexas A & MTraditions Club
GeorgetownSouthwestern UniversityDel Webb’s Sun City Texas
HoustonHouston Baptist UniversityUniversity Place
Nacog­dochesStephen F. Austin State UniversityTimber Springs
MiddleburyMiddlebury CollegeEastview at Midlebury
Char­lottesvilleUniversity of VirginiaWestminster-Canterbury of the Blue Ridge
  The Colonnades
LexingtonWashington and Lee UniversityKendal at Lexington
 Virginia Military Institute 
SeattleUniversity of WashingtonUniversity House at Issaquah
  University House at Wallingford
MadisonUniversity of WisconsinCapitol Lakes
OshkoshUniversity of WisconsinEvergreen Retirement Community