Best Places to Retire
Colleges and universities have become increasingly involved in the development of retirement communities on or near their campuses. The extent of each college’s involvement varies. Some communities merely lease land from the university and have no special connection to campus programs. Others are creating communities for their alumni with golf courses, clubhouses, and condos, houses, and assisted living facilities. Many people today are looking for more meaning and value in retirement. College-linked retirement communities offer a return to a stimulating environment they enjoyed decades earlier. Residents audit classes and may even teach. They may also attend various cultural and sporting events on campus.
Find active adult living options near you.
Start your searchThe motivation for seniors returning to campus is qualitatively different from those who choose traditional retirement communities. They hunger for something more than warm weather and a condo on the fifth green. It is fundamentally about personal growth, stimulation, the development of a more meaningful life, and a supportive intellectual and cultural climate to make it happen. They want to continue to learn and enrich themselves. The communities listed below are located on or near a campus and have connections to the educational institution that may involve access to educational programs, health care services, and other activities on campus. You will find Web links to each city, college or university, and the associated retirement community.