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Starkey Hearing Aids

4.2 Stars (11 Reviews)
Updated: January 27, 2023
By: Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith
Sr. Content Manager
As Retirement Living’s senior content manager, Jeff oversees the product and publishing of all retirement, investing, and consumer wellness content on the site. His extensive expertise in brand messaging and creating data-driven stories helps position Retirement Living as a top authority for senior content and community resources.
Sr. Content Manager
Edited By: Lauren Hamer
Lauren Hamer
Sr. Editor
Bringing more than a decade of editorial experience to Retirement Living, Lauren focuses on reporting senior-related issues, including retirement planning, finance, consumer protection, and health and wellness. Lauren has edited consumer content for Credible, Angi, Slickdeals, Jobs for the Future, and more.
Sr. Editor

Starkey Hearing Aids is the only American-owned and operated hearing aid manufacturer. Starkey Hearing Aids are high-tech, reliable devices from one of the world’s largest and most trusted hearing aid brands. The company has hearing aids for mild to severe hearing loss available in one dozen fits and styles.

Starkey Hearing Aids

Editorial Breakdown

Ease of Purchase 4.1 Stars
Warranty 3.9 Stars
Price 4.3 Stars
Customer Service 3.8 Stars

Overall Rating 4.1 Stars

Bottom Line

Starkey is an American owned and operated hearing aid manufacturer with more than 11 hearing aid models to choose from.

11 Starkey Hearing Aids Reviews

Write Review
1 Star

December 20 2019 6:39PM

The new model behind ear are good except batteries last 2 to 3 days best and always go out when needed most. Very embarrassing during bank meeting, example. suppose to work with cell phone. then came the next pair made up from scrap parts because Starkey does not make old type aids that work without cell connection. These aids they made up for me are 6 months old probably and are the worst trash to use. I will never purchase aids from Starkey again.

Tim B.
Raceland, LA